Our Brand

A one-stop shop that fulfills all wealth management needs.

Our brand foundation is the definitive statement of what we believe, what we do, why we do it – and what’s in it for you.

Wealth management for independent business owners

Vision – where we’re going, and how we’ll know we’re there

A family office – a one-stop shop that fulfills all wealth management needs – that is recognized across Canada as the first choice among independent business owners.

Mission – what we do every day to get there

We are committed to understanding the needs and goals of independent business owners better than anyone else.

Position – how we’re different

The independent for independents.

Reason to believe the position

Gino understands the needs of independent business owners because he was raised in a family business, and has always been an independent business owner himself.

Values – what we believe; our principles

Our interests come last. The client’s interests come first.
So we constantly ask ourselves:

  • Is this the way I would want to be treated?
    How can I improve it?
  • Would I be happy with this service?
    How can I improve it?
  • If I were in the client’s shoes, would I use our services?
    How can I improve it?

Character – our voice; how we act and look

  • Appreciative
  • Intelligent
  • Internally driven
  • No pressure